Drohnenaufnahmen von russischen Soldaten auf Elektrorollern, die versuchen, Stellungen der ukrainischen Asowschen Brigade anzugreifen

Von MilesLongthe3rd


  1. Redneck1026 on

    Balancing on those tiny wheels on a blown up road in combat gear. I am trying to picture as an NCO, handing these scooters to my guys and telling them we are to venture forth and recon.

    This is getting surreal, next they will try to mount cope cages and EW on an umbrella strapped to their backs.

  2. Meverick3636 on

    what the fuck russia? even some random jihadis in bumfuck nowhere can charge death in a toyota or something a bit more adequate.

    this war gets stranger every day.

  3. gold-rot49 on

    somehow i have a feeling all my years of riding bmx might pay off in ww3, seeing these bums ride up on electric scooters lmfaoo

  4. nobodyspecial506 on

    Time for war comrade; You take AK it has boolits for quicker death. Now ride this scooter into battle, quickly tho it’s only got 1/2 charge left

  5. Russians are using e-scooters now? Boy, I sure hope they remembered to put on their **paintball armour** before they set off!


  6. jisooya1432 on

    Location is just north of New York. On phone and it wont let me copy a link to google maps for some reason

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