Frauen, die in den sexistischsten US-Bundesstaaten geboren wurden, erleben in späteren Jahren (über 65) einen schnelleren Gedächtnisverlust als Frauen in den am wenigsten sexistischen Staaten, und dieser Unterschied im Gedächtnisverlust kann einer kognitiven Alterung von neun Jahren gleichkommen


  1. giuliomagnifico on

    > The researchers then looked at relationships between structural sexism levels and memory performance among 21,000 people in the Washington Heights-Inwood Columbia Aging Project and the Health and Retirement Study.

    >The study also found that the association between structural sexism and memory performance was highest among Black women

    >“Our findings suggest that addressing social inequities may be a powerful way to lower the burden of Alzheimer’s among women,” says study leader Justina Avila-Rieger, an associate research scientist in the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center at Columbia, whose research focuses on sex, gender, racial, and ethnic disparities in Alzheimer’s disease.

    Paper: [Early life exposure to structural sexism and late‐life memory trajectories among black and white women and men in the United States – Avila‐Rieger – Alzheimer’s & Dementia – Wiley Online Library](

  2. PuffyPanda200 on

    Aren’t the most sexist states also the poorest. This could just be measuring quality of life.

    Was the decline in women also seen in men?

  3. Resident-Rutabaga336 on

    There are about a billion other differences between more and less sexist states that are vastly more likely to explain differences in cognitive decline.

    Income, diet, and exercise levels are the most obvious ones.

    Why do people still do studies like this? I guess because it gets a lot of play.

  4. cerulean94 on

    This just screams stress to me. None of those super hot girls that wear tons of makeup and post pictures all the time are normal. They all are so incredibly critical of not just themselves and scaling as close to picture perfect as products will allow them.. but of other people as well. Constantly framing everything they see within a non-realistic image they feel is worth everything to portray. 

    If you try to look at how consistent their friends are over the years, you will find a short-lived pattern. They don’t hang out with the actual good friends they made when they were young, but look for people they can pose well with. Hard for young girls these days, but in a very different way historically.

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