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Seriously, Germany?
Just a rage bait post from half a year ago that is worded in a way so you think it’s something else.
What ever happened to “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”? This is insulting to civil society.
Published on June 28th, made the rounds on Reddit at the same time, OP what’s your agenda?
>The man was one of nine men and boys convicted of raping a 15-year-old in the bushes of a Hamburg park over a number of hours in Sept 2020.
>All were under 20 at the time, allowing them to be subject to juvenile law. Only one of them spent any time in jail, an Iranian national, who was 19 years old at the time, though it’s not clear why. Speaking about the rape in court, he asked: “What man doesn’t want that?”
>Maja R was sentenced to a weekend in jail for her verbal attacks. The rapist was given a suspended sentence and served no prison time due to his age.
An injustice system at work.
What a broken justice system
A tolerate society creates intolerance.
We took in a trojan horse with muslim immigrants.
Dafuq Germany? That shits messed up…
Rage bait. But nonetheless, German law is fucked up.
Just when you think the bar can’t get any lower, the Germans bring out a shovel.
Merkel was a strong leader. Letting all those people in, though, that was her biggest mistake.
WTF went wrong with Germany? Another 50 years and Sharia law will be in effect. The accomplishments of the Christian Germans will be pushed aside and the Caliphate Germany will be born.
But that’s not all:
>Hamburg authorities are now investigating around 140 more suspects for insulting or threatening the gang rapists, with 100 of the suspects based outside Hamburg.
>A court spokesman told the Hamburger Abendblatt local newspaper last week: “We are observing the hostility in connection with the proceedings and the verdict with great concern.”
>He said the anger over the case had “reached a new, worrying level of intensity” and described the criticism as “a targeted attack on the rule of law”.
So, Hamburg officials are spending a large amount of resources so that unrepentant gang-rapists don’t get called names? WTF?
“Maja R was sentenced to a weekend in jail after her comments because she had a previous conviction for theft and had not attending the court hearing for the case.“
Court system is rotten with judges who are pedophiles. They protect own kind. Scum.
>The case has laid bare Germany’s harsh defamation laws, which criminalise causing offence with even mild slurs like “idiot”. Breaking the law can lead to punishment of up to two years in prison.
>The district court said it had received strong reactions over the rulings in both the defamation case and the rape trial which prompted it. Hamburg authorities are now investigating around 140 more suspects for insulting or threatening the gang rapists, with 100 of the suspects based outside Hamburg.
So now the idiocy of the original sentence leads to people justifiably letting their feelings known, and the authorities double down to go after them. What a waste of time.
>A court spokesman told the Hamburger Abendblatt local newspaper last week: “We are observing the hostility in connection with the proceedings and the verdict with great concern.” He said the anger over the case had “reached a new, worrying level of intensity” and described the criticism as “a targeted attack on the rule of law”.
That’s not an attack on the rule of law; that’s justified anger from a miscarriage of justice, and going after more people won’t change it.
I thought defamation was only a thing if it wasn’t true.
This is a German science project of resurecting Adolf the painter.
Germany wow
Normalize death sentences and torture for rapists and pedos.
“Wokeness” is not confined to the USA
The rapists are pigs.
You’ll see Germans defending their legal system up and down in various subs when people dare to question how strange things like these are. Ffs, this is bizarre. I suppose the most extreme examples are Germany and the UK when it comes to the extraordinarily lenient sentences and dismissals of charges against rapist refugees and immigrants.
It’s like all they have to do is give the judge a sob story about not knowing that it’s wrong to rape women, or that they feel sad about leaving their country and they’ll never do it again. What the hell is happening in Germany and the UK!?
Germany down the shitter lol
This happens when the punitive aspect of justice is being chronically neglected
Oh for fucks sake Germany
Germany’s government and its structures are completely spineless and it will harm Germany and drive it far right in the near future
This is what people reference when they say EU is cooked.
This is why the more intelligent of us fight against censorship.
Germany happens to be very authoritarian when it comes to speech laws.
Wow. Just wow. Ya we need to make rape sentencing super fucking harsh. Like forced castration harsh.
Thats the German Caliphate for you. Gang rape? Ok. Ranting to your rapist? Ohh no no no.
I’m curious if Trump has paid Carroll anything yet. Trumps getting 20million from MSNBC, if Trump squirms out of paying Carroll he will have made more money from the crime than Carroll will.
Now that is fucked up.
The power felt by refugees in europe must be intoxicating. Soon an entire continent will submit to your will and you can feast upon its people with no punishment
This headline was wrong a month ago and still is.
The sentence was for threatening him. Not calling him names.
Nonetheless I can understand the outcry. But the rapists were still juvenile and so the sentences were under juvenile laws.
She was, as far as I know, an adult and she threatened the one guy.
Rapists are pigs