Eine aktuelle Studie in Spanien ergab, dass eine Aufnahme von 6 mg/kg Koffein die Reaktionszeiten der Teilnehmer bei einer Reihe von Reaktionsaufgaben verbesserte | Außerdem wurden die Teilnehmer dadurch nervöser, aufmerksamer und aktiver.
High-dose caffeine improves reaction time but increases nervousness
From the article: The research was [published](https://doi.org/10.1007/s00394-024-03486-9) in the European Journal of Nutrition.
Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and many energy drinks. It works by blocking adenosine, a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep, leading to increased alertness and wakefulness. Caffeine is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream and typically begins affecting the body within minutes.
Caffeine is widely used to improve focus, reaction time, and reduce fatigue. In moderate doses, caffeine is considered safe, but excessive intake can cause side effects such as jitteriness, increased heart rate, and insomnia. It is one of the most widely consumed psychoactive substances globally. Consequently, caffeine plays a significant role in cultural practices worldwide and the daily routines of many people.
Study author María Ramírez-delaCruz and her colleagues aimed to determine the acute effects of different doses of caffeine (0, 3, or 6 mg/kg) on cognitive performance in physically active, healthy individuals. They hypothesized that caffeine would increase cognitive performance and that 3 mg/kg would be the optimal dose to achieve this effect.
The study participants included 29 healthy young adults, 15 of whom were men. The participants’ average age was 22 years. All participants completed three trials. In each trial, they received a capsule with a different dose of caffeine adjusted to their body weight. In one trial, the dose was 3 mg/kg; in another, it was 6 mg/kg; and in the third, the capsule contained no caffeine. Participants did not know which dose was in the capsule they consumed, and this information was also unavailable to the researchers working with them during the experimental sessions. The order of doses (which dose was given in each trial) was randomized.
Thats a lot of caffeine. A 200# man would have to drink like half a dozen cups of coffee to reach 6mg/kg.
At 160lbs that means 430mg of caffiene.. That’s more than two typical energy drinks. Couldn’t that kill someone with no tolerance and bad luck?