Hallo. Ich komme aus Chile und habe diese Dokumente. Ich denke, das ist dänisch? Ich habe versucht, KI zu verwenden, aber sie erkennt nicht wirklich viel. Ich bin wirklich neugierig, was das für Dokumente sind.


Von Chadstronomer


  1. Additional-Term2317 on

    It is a bible. You have shown a page from Genesis, called “1. Mose Bok. Kap. 7. 8.”

  2. It’s a Swedish Bible. The first page says “1838 af Göteborgs Bibel…”

  3. whatyoudowhenimalone on

    I’m danish, so I might read it wrong. But i think it is something about Noah and a boat, probaly a bible.

  4. LazyJones1 on

    Hvad jeg kan læse – og jeg kan ikke læse skråskrift… eller svensk:


    `Af Gotheburgs Bibelselskab tildelt Andreas Ambro*urfos i Hamby er for ej følger pant fatter eller i mat lægas`

  5. ”1838 af Götheborgs Bibel Sälskap tildelt Andreas Ambrosiusson, Slamby, och får ej säljas, pantsättas eller imottagas”

    ”1838 given to Andreas Ambrosiusson in Slamby by the bible society of Gothenburg. May not be sold, pawned or received”

    The next page says ” O att härrens härliga magt måtte wara och förblifva i Lanwetter, välment teknadt, Alexander Timmelhoff”

    ”Oh, that the glorious power of the lord may prevail and remain in Landvetter, signed Alexander Timmelhoff”

    Slamby and Landvetter are located outside Gothenburg, Sweden and this is written in Swedish. I have extensive experience in Swedish genealogy – I could try to find this person in the records if you want.

    Edit: see comments below.

  6. unJust-Newspapers on

    As many have stated, it’s a Swedish bible.

    What you might not know is that you have now insulted an entire nation by asking if it was, in fact, Danish.

    This will not go unpunished.

    Just kidding, that’s a pretty cool find!

  7. First page:


    Given by the Bible Society of Gothenburg to Andreas Ambrosiusson in Slamby and may not be sold, pawned or [can’t figure out the last word].

    Second page

    Oh, that the wonderous power of the Lord may be and remain in Landvetter. Well-meaningly written by Alexander [last name, can’t decipher]


    Thid page is Genesis, it’s a Swedish language Bible.

  8. It’s a swedish Bible “1838 af Götrborgs bibel” it says (1838 of Gothemburg Bible). “tilldeldt Andreas Ambropur (or Ampropur) I think. (Given to Andreas…)

    I might be wrong but it looks like second handwrittrn page is a Bible quote. Then third image is the Bible. Not sure, but it looks like Charles XII translation in frakturstil (fracture style)

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