Aktualisierungen des Anschlags in Magdeburg, Deutschland: Scholz schwört „volle Kraft des Gesetzes“, nachdem Mann mit Auto auf Weihnachtsmarkt gefahren ist und dabei fünf Menschen getötet hat – BBC News


    Von BothZookeepergame612


    1. opinionate_rooster on

      Figuring out why the police didn’t respond to reports of threats would be a good start.

    2. FantasyFrikadel on

      I remember a child getting run over here in germany, he ran into the street onto the bus lane and a young driver going too fast and driving in the bus lane killed him.

      The driver got a 500 euro fine and a 1 month suspended driver’s license.

      The judge blamed the mom. 

      The full force of the law in Germany is a joke.

      The point is German law is too lenient. 

    3. Doc_Hollywood1 on

      Yes! Full force of the law against Saudi anti islamists pyschiatrists. /s

      This guy was a unicorn.

    4. And nothing will change. Best we can do is start the counter again when next forgeiner will decide to butcher innocents.

    5. Ambitious_Cheek4921 on

      Finally! He will be heavily struck with a 2000 euro fine! That will show him!

    6. icanswimforever on

      These messages of intent followed by no serious action do the most harm on people’s belief of state institutions.  

    7. The Saudis seemed to want to talk to him, maybe they could come up with a fitting sentence…

    8. Every year the same shit, maybe step up the security BEFORE the fucking attacks?

    9. Creepy-Bell-4527 on

      I hear the Saudis wanted a word with this guy. Maybe it’s time they had that chat after all.

    10. Kaebelesmann on

      First Time offender, 1 year on parole should do. HE pronably paid his tax, so who cares.

    11. Wow. I wonder if he makes such stark statements about flushing the toilet when he takes a shit

    12. The “full force of the law” will be that we need bigger concrete blocks “protecting” the christmas markets and also we will banish smaller cars from Germany that fit between them. Will solve two problems at the same time and allow our car makers to become great again by selling more SUVs.

    13. saint-clar on

      After Solingen attacks, he called for knife ban. Is he gonna ask for car ban now?

    14. I vow full force of law on Scholz for CumEx.
      And for the responsible persons in the Police command that ignored all the warnings about this guy. Always the same shit.

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