Gemeinsame Verteilung von Elevation und Azimut in sechs verschiedenen Auflösungen:

120 Minuten 90 Minuten 60 Minuten 30 Minuten 15 Minuten 1 Minute

Erstellt mit Python-Code, der alle n Minuten über das gesamte Jahr 2024 hinweg simuliert (beginnend um Mitternacht UTC, 1.1.)

Von electricvishnu


  1. That is not what I expected, but I guess it makes sense – around the solstices the path doesn’t change much from day to day.

  2. Delicious-Hour-9564 on

    The last shot is interesting.
    Smaller bin size must look beautiful.

    Got to ask – how did you put text below these images? Last time I checked post editor doesn’t allow any text/description aside from title and short subtitle per image.

  3. voxelghost on

    The density is basically time (spent in each heatmap grid) right?

    It would be nice if the legend presented it as such.

    Edit: It would also be interesting to try to visualize it as a line plot, with width relative to “speed”

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