Laut Daten der Pet Poison Helpline in den USA ist die Zahl der Hunde und Katzen, die Kokain ausgesetzt sind, deutlich gestiegen. Die Forscher fanden nicht die gleichen steigenden Trends bei der Methamphetamin-Exposition von Katzen und Hunden.

1 Comment

  1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:

    From the linked article:

    Four years of data from the Pet Poison Helpline in the US have shown a significant increase in dogs and cats being exposed to cocaine. The researchers did not find the same increasing trends for cats’ and dogs’ exposure to methamphetamine. The authors say any degree of exposure should be considered concerning, as there is the risk of severe toxicity and death, even with treatment. They say as harms related to illicit substance use continue to trend upward, recognising the potentially fatal effects on animals in the surrounding environment may help to minimise exposure to household pets.

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