Mads Mikkelsen verrät, dass Idris Elba seine Wahl für James Bond ist


  1. Bostonterrierpug on

    Loved him in Luthor, don’t think he’s had the chance to play many good roles since then. Hope he kinda gets this.

  2. Little too late for him to become a Bond, isn’t it? I’d rather Tom Hardy then. Same age group, but still younger.

    Could be interesting seeing an older Bond though.

  3. Simple_Bishop on

    I like Idris but he’s only a couple of years younger than Craig. Why not choose a younger actor to attach the franchise to?

  4. BreakerSoultaker on

    They pick their Bonds based on the assumption of ~5 film arc that spans ~8 years. Bond has to not only be old enough to carry the gravitas and maturity for the part, but someone young enough to carry a franchise for that long. That points to someone very late 30’s to about 45 on the upper end.

  5. ManicZombieMan on

    He’s too old. He would’ve been a good choice before but now I don’t think it makes sense unless it’s a stand alone film. Or he’s training the next bond but he’s too old to take on the whole franchise for too long.

  6. Bro Idris would make a killer Bond. He’s definitely got the charisma for it.

  7. therapoootic on

    luckilly, the choice of bond has nothing to do with Mads Mikkelsen

  8. Remember when p diddles said one day he (diddles) was going to be Bond one day? 

  9. Richard madden, Henry Golding, Dan Stevens, Jamie Dornan, Jack O’Donnell could all be great choices.

  10. Royal_Nails on

    Why do we *need* more Bond movies? Can’t they take a break for a while?

  11. AdAppropriate6795 on

    At the rate they make these things now; Idris would be 56 by the time the first one comes out. 64 for the second film and 70 plus for the third.

  12. RedMageMajure on

    Can we juat quit with the race swapping already?

    If it isn’t okay for a white person to play the Black Panther then it shouldn’t be okay for Elba to play James Bond. 

    Its just tiresome

  13. dakotanorth8 on

    I thought MgM said Aaron Taylor Johnson has the role and they are just waiting for him to accept and his schedule?

    After kraven im sure he’s going to want something more well made and stable.

  14. MillieBNillie on

    As muah as would love to see Idris as Bond, he’s passed the age point where it would make sense. It just wasn’t in the cards. Sucks too, because he would’ve been absolutely awesome.

  15. Dangerous_Raccoon_66 on

    I think now is really the time for an Airbud crossover where Airbud is James Bond and they play it completely serious.

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