Die Stadt Ontario beantragt eine gerichtliche Überprüfung, nachdem sie zu einer Geldstrafe von 15.000 US-Dollar verurteilt wurde, weil sie sich weigerte, den Pride Month zu begehen
They were sued because the mayor want on a rant during an official hearing.
There is no flag pole
FTA, original complaint and ruling
>Shortly after the vote, Mayor McQuaker, who voted against the proclamation, said, “There’s no flag being flown for the other side of the coin…there’s no flags being flown for the straight people.”
>The comment was called “demeaning and disparaging” of the LGBTQ2S+ community in the tribunal’s report, and it was considered discrimination.
>The community was ordered to pay $10,000, and Mayor Harold McQuaker was ordered to pay $5,000 to Borderland Pride, who filed the initial complaint following a meeting in 2020.
I’m not fond of this accept us in the fashion we want or else mentality. It’s abusive.
I’m going to ask for a judicial review after the millionth headline misrepresenting why the town was fined. Whether you agree with the fine or not (I don’t) this wasn’t why they were fined
I fully support Pride.
This however is petty vengeance and will not help the movement at all moving forward.
They wanted to fly a their flag in a township that has no flag pole.
What a giant waste of time and resources.
They weren’t fined for refusing to do pride. This is just blatant false journalism
IIRC Doug Ford proposed legislation that would prevent these types of rulings.
I’m glad we rejected this nonsense down in the states and I hope Canada is able to do it as well
Hmm, those comments don’t really seem to warrant such a fine.
“liberal” people often call Conservatives “fascists/Nazis” and love to scream about being inclusive and accepting yet they more often than not seem to be the ones that claim their way is the only way to think or be. Ironic really. Either way, forcing beliefs onto people, whether religious or social will not win many people over.
There’s only one flag that should have been flown. The Canadian flag.
This town upheld the Canadian principle of equality – by giving every other flag equal treatment.
Is it wrong of me to dislike the specific individuals who aim to cause divisions in the fabric of the country that I love?
Kenora is Manitoba clay now
People in here making sure to stick up for the rights of straight white people, thank you for your service we truly need it. …
…/s you weirdos.
Why not be inclusive?
What a waste of time for the government to go after the town.
None of what happened in this article violated anyones Human Rights.
It really seems like this group was fishing for a place to “refuse” to participate so they could cry foul and set a precedent