Heute ehrte das finnische Militär die gefallenen Deutschen, die im Zweiten Weltkrieg starben


Von Viwylde


  1. SharpIntention4667 on

    This is a really nice gesture. I hope we (now) are worthy of it.

  2. Very nice gesture. Not all of them were Assholes. But without war, all of them have had a future. And the same for those they have fought against.

    In nower days we should take it as a sign that in wars the normal people are dying. Not those who commanded them into war. We should not let ourselves be divided by people in power for their own purposes.

  3. Magenta-Magica on

    I won’t comment on history because I don’t know enough.
    I’ll just say the aesthetics is BEAUTIFUL. The snow, the lights.
    Makes it look very peaceful.

  4. Mangobonbon on

    A nice gesture that still reminds us how lucky we are to live in modern times. In WW2 more people died in conflict than in all years since combined. We shall not forget this.

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