Warum sehe ich oft eine Tüte Brot in der Nähe von Müllcontainern hängen?


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  1. As a kid, my grandpa would tell us to not trash bread (don’t throw bread into a trash bin). We used to kiss the bread and put it on a higher ground. It made sense to me as a kid. Maybe that’s what’s happening in this pic.

  2. sentinelstands on

    As Azerbaijani I feel like I can shed light onto this because I literally had no idea you guys do it too.

    So the answer is two folded, since I saw one comment saying about kissing and putting it in a higher place. Kissing is out of respect to bread because we all during the USSR especially during WW2 went through troubled times and it lingered as a memory therefore a higher respect for the bread. Why put it in a higher place? The usual answer is for birds, so again not to waste food.

    Now for the hanging part. There are people actually collecting those to then sell off to the animal farms. Usually chicken farms use it as food. Once again all from the tendency to not waste bread.

    P.s. whole WW2 troubled times is just a speculation since I actually saw turks from turkey do somewhat similar things of kissing bread. So it might just be deeply rooted in cultural respect.

  3. I personally do this with bread gone stale. I might not eat it, but there might be someone who might eat it/give it to farm animals.

    Not only bread, if I end up having leftovers that I can’t freeze, I package them separately and put neat the trash bin, in an easily accessible spot. Especially useful during the winter months.

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