Wie sicher fühlen sich Menschen in Europa, wenn sie nachts alleine spazieren gehen (2024)

Von YesterdayDue8507


  1. YesterdayDue8507 on

    i think we all know why it is low in countries like france and england

  2. RickJLeanPaw on

    This is the kind of infographic that raises more questions than it answers.

    What were the questions, demographics, and locations?

    Equally importantly, how does perception compare with reality?

    It’s an interesting snapshot, but functionally useless in isolation.

  3. Jujubatron on

    Bad Map for the West. It must be the way they are reporting am I right, guys?

  4. Ashenveiled on

    This map is bullshit.

    Belarus is not even close to be this bad. actually people there when i talked with them felt extremely safe.

    Barcelona meanwhile… yeah…

  5. Difficult to change perceptions.

    Japanese people also warn about unsafety at night because they ‘feel’ it is unsafe, while in reality it is safe.

  6. ApplicationCreepy987 on

    Huge difference between perceived safety and actual safety. That would be more interesting

  7. Fuzzy-Negotiation167 on

    These numbers seem too low in my opinion, never heard anyone being afraid to walk alone at night because of thugs. Maybe some people are naturally afraid of dark but it’s perfectly safe in my country to walk at night alone as a men or a women.

  8. Archivist2016 on

    Do Spanish and Portuguese police operate differently from their Western Counterparts?

  9. DashingGaspar on

    It’s funny how it’s the countries that have accepted the most migrants that say that they feel unsafe.

  10. Master_Werewolf_4907 on

    They are quantifying sociological facts, as an engineer I am going crazy. What do you mean 50 secure countries, what do you mean 70 secure countries, just forget about these things.

  11. JammyTodgers on

    having walked in Ljubljana at night, i can confirm, the locals seemed more wary of me than vice versa, lol

  12. backcountry57 on

    Definitely don’t feel safe walking around the UK at night. I expected it to be further down the list

  13. JonathanUpp on

    It like how the perception of danger when walking att night is usually opposite to how dangerous it actually is.

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