Die Öffentlichkeit wird aufgefordert, potenzielle Terroristen auf Weihnachtsmärkten und bei Weihnachtsmärkten zu melden


    Von ParkedUpWithCoffee


    1. EdmundTheInsulter on

      This is going to go well. Can’t the police and security notice people hanging around such places with backpacks, cos they didn’t last time?
      I mean there’s people marching around pretty much in hamas uniforms, I’d love it if I actually could report my suspicions etc

    2. LickClitsSuckNips on

      As a Muslim, they should just profile people and not allow anyone who looks Muslim to participate and just say, sorry we understand it’s not part of your religion.

      I would prefer this for the safety & peace of mind of everyone there.

    3. Better not profile them as brown men in full islamic gear. It’s never those kind who attack Christmas festivities.

    4. klepto_entropoid on

      People don’t want to live like this. When will governments in Europe get the message? Will these same people be making flowery speeches about tolerance and openness when the fascists march in to number 10?

    5. Competitive_Mix3627 on

      Oh no!. Reporting “Potential” terrorist or people you believe are planning an act of terrorism. This could get messy. It was that long ago a random Irish man in the boozer could be seen as a “potential” terrorist.

    6. appalachian_hatachi on

      Why? No really, why is that **our** job? So okay we report someone who “looks like” a potential terrorist, then what? We get brushed off as profiling minorities until it properly goes tits up only to be told “oh don’t worry, lessons will be learned”. Piss off.

    7. Longjumping_Stand889 on

      is this meant to reassure us? It feels like they really expect something.

    8. Reverend_Vader on

      I’m interested to see how the right wing grifters take this

      For weeks they have been pushing out articles and narratives about “armed police at markets and vehicle bollards” putting negative pressure on those choices being made

      They know damn well how a security assessment does need to factor in these controls for major open events but acted as if anyone choosing to do this was doing something wrong, or acting against the spirit of an open event

      Then we have a failure of site planning where people get killed, showing why both may well be needed

      Wouldn’t surprise me if by tomorrow they’ve gone full begby in the nightclub, and are pretending they’ve been championing them for ages

    9. If reporting a terrorist at a panto, you are of course obliged to inform the authorities that the terrorist is in fact behind them.

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