Wie sicher fühlen sich Menschen in Europa, wenn sie nachts alleine spazieren gehen (2024)


Von TAA_verymuch


  1. In France, lot of towns are without public lightning at night (it’s since the COVID curfews)
    So yeah, walking in the dark in some places is not really enjoyable to say the least

  2. Tall_Tipshe on

    Georgia was in top. But now is lower due to protests.

    Anyway no one will chase you at night in Georgia. Tested on myself. People is nice to you and you are welcomed, unless you are rushist:))

  3. Ornery-Priority-4427 on

    my country is so safe that there is no point in even rating it 😀

  4. Ill_Refrigerator_593 on

    Good old numbeo. Data gathered by those who visit the site choosing to provide it with no checks on repeat users.

  5. ForestDweller82 on

    “feelings” are relative. I’m in Poland. My neighbor is scared to be left alone by herself in her house, which I find hilarious considering I used to live in one of America’s worst ghettos in my student days. She literally has no clue, and legitimately believes she’s in some sort of ‘danger’ in one of Europe’s safest countries. Like, I think she’d have a heart attack if presented with an actually dangerous location. Similarly, when I lived in England, people’s idea of a bad neighborhood was also pretty weak in comparison, but closer to reality than the Poles.

  6. Skaddicted on

    Is there a way to see the percentage of how many men and women were asked? As a male I never felt unsafe when walking home drunk in Vienna but the situation is unfortunately totally different for females.

  7. TobiDudesZ on

    Belgium is safe to walk on the streets alone at night IF you live in rural towns. In the bigger cities I would not risk it.

  8. Match criminally index of each country.

    Don’t know if it’s based on it….

  9. GloriousHowl on

     Ow I would like to see a map on how perception diverges from reality.

  10. RuedaRueda on

    I don’t like to be racist. I don’t judge no one by his skin colour, and no one should do it.
    But, taking politics apart, this map has a high correlation with the Muslim population in European countries.
    This can’t be denied, correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causality, but we can’t be blind just because we vote a political party that says other thing.

  11. individualcoffeecake on

    Yo for funsies someone should overlay it with the biggest immigration population.

  12. BobatheHacker on

    most of them would be waaaaay safer if not for the immigrants, looking at you france

  13. Sekhmet_Odin7 on

    Interesting. Can people from Croatia confirm? Do you believe this data to be correct?

  14. I’d be interested to see how the perception of safety correlates with the actual risk.

  15. lordMaroza on

    I feel like this is mostly true for Serbia (Belgrade mainly), however, I view this as an average between men and women.

    Most of us guys feel like the score should be 95 in most parts of the city, while some shady parts would be like 60.

    Women don’t feel that way and from what I’ve gathered from the gals I know and meet, the score would be about 65-70 in most parts of the city, while in those shady parts it would go as low as 30.

  16. XenophonSoulis on

    Different people have different standards of what they’d deem safe. That’s the only way I can explain why Greece is so high. I live in a good area of Athens and I can reach a full-blown ghetto in a 15min walk. With some buses and trains, I can reach at least 2 more areas where I wouldn’t risk being alone at night (or even in the day). The safe areas are safe, but it can get really unsafe really quickly if you don’t know what to avoid.

  17. AtTheGates on

    Romania is one of the safest. I don’t know why its not in the top 3.

  18. badabummbadabing on

    Now put a map showing the level of urbanisation next to it.

  19. HonestlyGurlSlay on

    I would not feel safe walking in London during the day, let alone night.

  20. I wonder wgat the 32% are afraid of in Estonia. In Tallinn Id walk any street alone at 2am.

  21. Specialist-Tale8870 on

    I honestly expected UK and France to have a lower index..

  22. Ghetto_Cheese on

    One thing that did surprise me that I wasn’t aware of for the longest time is that people in other countries are afraid of walking around at night. I’d never once even considered it to be more dangerous as a male and I’d regularly walk alone at night when going back home from somewhere, but I do know women are at more danger.

  23. Whenever you want to stir up drama here, repost this map.

    Is it the single most reposted map on this sub?

  24. Safety at night in France is worse than Belarus, a country run by a dictator and next to a war zone…

  25. Belarus at night always feels safe. I have never felt intimidated or scared there.

    The same cannot be said for my hometown, Blackpool UK.

  26. Careful_Lifeguard_34 on

    On my country 99.9% i have walked alot of times in the night and never a bad thing happened to me

  27. HyenaChewToy on

    Ironic how boomers in Western Europe think the reverse is true and former commie countries that joined the EU are less safe than those in W.E.

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