[OC] Weltweite Ankunftsdaten seismischer Wellen von ISC-EHB über 30 Jahre. Magnitude >=4,5 Tiefe >=70 km Nur zeitbestimmende P-Phase

Von Delicious-Hour-9564


  1. Delicious-Hour-9564 on

    Plots built in Plotly.

    Notebook on Kaggle that created that downloaded data and created these plots: [https://www.kaggle.com/code/iananich/seismic-station-arrivals/notebook?scriptVersionId=214083187](https://www.kaggle.com/code/iananich/seismic-station-arrivals/notebook?scriptVersionId=214083187)

    Data source: ISC-EHB Bulletin [https://www.isc.ac.uk/isc-ehb/](https://www.isc.ac.uk/isc-ehb/)
    There’s web-GUI for it as well: [https://www.isc.ac.uk/isc-ehb/search/arrivals/](https://www.isc.ac.uk/isc-ehb/search/arrivals/)
    Data also saved into dataset on Kaggle: [https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/iananich/station-arrivals-data-from-isc/versions/15](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/iananich/station-arrivals-data-from-isc/versions/15)

    Search params used:
    * time 1992-2021 (including, 30 years)
    * phase – only P
    * only time-defining
    * origin’s magnitude >= 4.5
    * origin’s depth higher than 70km (below depth 70km)

    There’s a minimal data processing to remove duplicates and enforce search params.
    Dotted green line is from REVIEWED catalogue, as reference point.

    “consistent” station is one that was active in the first (1992) year and in at least 23 other years.
    “best” station is one that is “consistent” and in top 10 by number of events it contributed too and median distance to them.

    Notebook uses Plotly to build interactive plots, all of them are saved in output as still images and HTML files. There are more plots there, for example – per-month versions of histograms.

    Feel free to copy and extend with new search params.

  2. SufficientGreek on

    So is this a case of better detection leading to more logged events or is the rate really going up?

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