Die norwegische Krone ist auf Rekordtief. Glauben Sie, dass ein Wechsel der Regierungspartei die Dinge in Ordnung bringen wird?
Norwegian kroner is at record low. NRK said we become poorer. Time to change the ruling party?
byu/coblos90 inNorway
Von coblos90
Just buy Bitcoin and leave fiat money away. Let them play their own games, we have ours.
The ruling party has no bearing over the NOKs standing
What exactly are they going to do about this?
Considering the exchange rates have become worse over the last 10 year, putting the blame on the current government kinda falls under itself, we saw a significant weakening after switching government in 2013 to Høyre / FRP.
Looking at a timeline with events comparing to exchange rates, the war in Ukraine seems to have affected exchange rates significantly.
[Timeline with currency changes over time, with highlighted events](https://g.acdn.no/api/reflex/v1/image/resize/1680/https%3A%2F%2Fg.acdn.no%2Fobscura%2FAPI%2Fimage%2Fr1%2Fece5%2Fa%2F1698306076000%2Fnett%2F2023%2F10%2F26%2F9%2Fusdnok-forklaring.png)
[Nettavisen – Norske kroner like lite verdt som under den verste pandemi-panikken ](https://www.nettavisen.no/okonomi/norske-kroner-like-lite-verdt-som-under-den-verste-pandemi-panikken/s/5-95-1414644)
>*Norwegian kroner is at record low. NRK said we become poorer. Time to change the ruling party?*
[Valued in USD the NOK was worth less in 2020..](https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=NOK&to=USD&view=10Y).
Stop with the sensationalism.
I’d rather that the government prioritized lowering the interest rate, even if that were to make the kroner exchange rate even worse. In terms of household finances lower interest rates would benefit me far more than lower prices for imports or foreign holidays. We stayed in Norway last summer and have cut down on imported stuff, and that hasn’t been too hard. Whereas there’s far less flexibility with the mortgage payments (I really don’t want to move house or lengthen the repayment period).
As much as its heavily based on external factors, the current goverment has not really done much to actualy address it at all.
Politics is increasingly becoming a topic irl and i have yet to talk to a single person not unhappy with the current goverment.
They seem out of touch and at the same time too scared to do needed unpopular things that would actualy benefit the country.
They are driving politics that increase living costs etc significantly while at the same time pretending it will not.
That they are also suprised that their support is only going doooown is mind blowing.
I’m not an expert, but when the world / area is facing instability, such as the war in Ukraine, small local currencies are usually not popular.