Laut NDP ist der CO2-Preis nicht das A und O der Klimapolitik und unterstützt den Antrag der Tory


  1. i think he should do it. Come loaded with facts, figures, endorsements and smack the yokel patrol around the head and neck on tv. id enjoy that for a couple of hours, with a double Crown Royals over ice.

  2. Dependent-Sun-6373 on

    This is a great opportunity for Trudeau and the LPC to defend the Tax/Rebate. The Conservative Premiers don’t have any real ideas on how to reduce emissions. This could blow up in Poilievre’s face, and I’m here for it. Huge opportunity given on a silver platter to take charge of the debate. Don’t waste it, LPC.

  3. dthrowawayes on

    it isn’t the be-all, end-all as it’s basically the bare minimum we should have done and we needed a green new deal a decade ago. Things aren’t getting better without something along those lines.

  4. Helpful_Dish8122 on

    I’m sorry but wtf NDP?

    I’m sure it’s fine to have a discussion about proposed alternatives but most of the premiers are not gonna discuss that AT ALL…this pathetic regulation is a disaster and all parties are to blame tbh

    In Ontario, our Premier scrapped our Cap and Trade program…basically enforcing the federal carbon tax on us. Spent millions of taxpayers money in court fighting lawsuits and paying penalties…now he’s protesting against the sht he inflicted onto us

  5. satanic_jesus on

    If the NDP forces an election over anything related to the carbon tax I swear they’ll lose any good will I still have for them for quite a while. It would be one thing if they had a better solution but I’m not seeing one. Until there is one articulated that cuts emissions as effectively I’ll support the carbon tax, although it feels like it’s just me who feels like everyone has kinda gone crazy over this

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