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cops working for their real bosses
Serve and protect… their corporate masters
If your picketing on Amazon property, they can tresspass you.
They are free to strike and form a rally. But not on private property.
Those cops are a bunch of scabs. Scabs! Scabs!
Fuck the police
Using thier monopoly on violence to crush any threats to the Corporate Overlords.
The police union is the only one they’re ok with
Didn’t you know, being in the wrong now is not dropping bombs on women, children, doctors, reporters or charity workers. It’s simply asking for a decent level of wages and workers rights.
Bezos must have felt threatened
Cops are the hardest and fastest working group when it comes to protecting capitalist interests
Eat your service weapon challenge
But what was the charge? Honoring a picket line?
Fuck. The. Police.
The Teamsters are team president musk. Get used to it.
They had enough left to do this after perp walking Luigi?
Teamsters lost all credibility with their actions in the 2024 election. Who knows what they even stand for anymore? That organization needs to clean house.
Organizing a group (lobbyists) to advocate to the government: yes, please, give me money. That’s fine!
Organizing a group (unions) to advocate to the private sector: I have to treat you like an actual human now? Make it stop!!!
Remember, the only true divide is of class and cops who take this action, are class traitors.
Deny, Delay, Defend. Americans make fun of the French for losing foreign wars. But the French sure are better than us when it comes to winning domestic ones.
Fuck Amazon. I have not given them a penny in over 5 years. Until they are able to unionize, they get zero dollars from me.
To protect and serve Amazon not the people.
Fucking Pinkertons all over again.
You’d think the union killed a ceo or something the way the cops are going after them.
That was quick.
Cops, who also have a union, bust up other organized laborers
Better start showing up with weapons. this shit is gonna be Pinkertons vs the unions again.
the class war continues to build up.
Why are they even protesting? Didn’t they back taking away protections for workers?
Amazon warehouse conditions must be totally fine for people to be picketing right. Nothing to see here is what the police are saying?
Cops protect power not people.
It’s a shame they protect THEM but try to SERVE us.
– Xzibit
Brothers aren’t supposed to do that
Seems like a Haymarket is brewing
Isn’t this illegal?
Lot of L’s from NYPD lately.
Police are just the sheep dogs for the rich.
Working class traitors. That’s what a cop is
Americans your rights are being violated. I bet it wont be long before not everyone is allowed to own a gun.
Bezos, Musk, Mellon
Deny, Defend, Depose
And this is why, Police Unions are never ever viewed the same as labor unions. Fuck police unions
As always Acab.