Yoons Aufstand mobilisierte angeblich Südkoreas vorderste Panzerbrigade, um in Seoul das Kriegsrecht durchzusetzen. Die Brigade besteht aus 100 K1A2-Panzern; Ziel ist die schnelle Verteidigung gegen die Invasion Nordkoreas



  1. Yoon is clueless about how the modern Korean military is being run because he skipped mandatory conscription.

    Nobody would get on board with this kind of plan in 2024. He’s still remembering the days of 1979 when soldiers were just a number.

    Serving in the military is seen as a career route, and a stepping stone to a better career. Nobody sees it as a potential power grab. You’d try to become a prosecutor instead, if that was your goal (looking at Yoon)

  2. PerformanceOk4962 on

    It still baffles my mind this corrupt dictator wannabe crook is still holding office, he should be thrown in prison for a long time for trying to start a war with North Korea for sole reason to keep himself in power, prosecute and jail him immediately before he comes up with another coup, what a disgrace!!!

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