Chinas Territorialstreitigkeiten 1949 vs. 2024

Von ConsiderationSame919


  1. ConsiderationSame919 on

    I am getting tired of people who keep getting this wrong. This post shows the reality about China’s territorial disputes. Here’s the dates previous disputes were resolved:

    Afghanistan: 1963

    Kazakhstan: 1995

    Kyrgyzstan: 1996

    Laos: 1992

    Mongolia: 1962

    Myanmar: 1960

    Nepal: 1963

    North Korea: 1962

    Pakistan: 1963

    Russia: 1998

    Tajikistan: 2011

  2. GioVasari121 on

    Not an honest title. Could have said countries with which China has disputes with. China isn’t claiming all of India’s land lol.

  3. divyanshu_01 on

    Can someone explain what China gains by its expansionist policy? These frontier borders are so far from mainland China. I can understand strategic places like the Sea of Phillipines and Tibet .

  4. Macau_Serb-Canadian on

    What kind of territorial dispute does China have with Japan? Historical yes, sure, but current??

  5. didnt they resolve the dispute with india earlier this year? i remember reading something about that.

  6. pafagaukurinn on

    This is a good example of manipulation, even a twofold one. Firstly, China only disputed some tiny bits of land near the border with the USSR, but here the whole country is painted red, making the issue appear much bigger than it was. Secondly, if you are talking about China’s disputes with the USSR in 1949, why do you omit half of Soviet republics, including Ukraine and Turkmenistan?

  7. Cornelius005 on

    ROC (Taiwan) being highlighted is a bit of an understatement. That’s more of an existential dispute than simply territorial.

  8. technically taiwan is not a dispute of territory. it’s a mutual dispute of existence.

  9. thinkingperson on

    Unlike China, US has zero territorial disputes.

    US claims the whole earth as its own, so no disputes. All disputes were put out either with annexation as US territories or invaded as part of its global FREEDOM & DEMOCRAZY program.

  10. imyonlyfrend on

    The dispute with India goes all the way back to the 1840s when a brief war was fought between the Sikh empire and the Qing dynasty.

  11. Macau_Serb-Canadian on

    Brunei? Some of the Paracels and what have you in South China Sea?

    Not Indonesia claiming something, also there? Just Malaysia (Kota Kinabalu side)?

  12. stuckinthestack on

    That big red blob might be turned red again in near future. What Kamchatka doing?

  13. “B-b-but the west imperialism…” I want to see the China lovers defend this…

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