Jüngere Menschen sind häufiger Opfer von Cyberkriminalität, aber wenn ältere Menschen Opfer von Cyberkriminalität werden, verlieren sie mehr Geld und werden häufiger wiederholt angegriffen. Die Forscher sagen, dass mögliche Verluste älterer Menschen durch Cyberkriminalität aus Scham oder Angst, nicht ernst genommen zu werden, zu wenig gemeldet wurden.



    1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:


      From the linked article:

      Younger people are more likely to experience cybercrime but when older people are victims they lose more money and are more often hit repeatedly, according to UK research. The researchers surveyed just over 35,000 people aged 15+ about their experiences with computer misuse and cyber fraud, with 7.31% of participants reporting an experience as the victim of cybercrime. 40.51% of the cybercrime victims who responded to questions about financial losses said they’d lost money as a result of the cybercrime. The researchers say the 16-24 age bracket was most likely to experience cybercrime and those aged 75+ were least likely, however the 75+ group were just as likely as the young people to be repetitively hit with cybercrime, and more likely to lose money as a result of cybercrime. The researchers say it’s possible losses from cybercrime for older people were underreported due to shame or fear of not being taken seriously.

    2. I don’t understand why banks don’t introduce a four-eyes principle for older people. An 80-year-old person should not be able to withdraw tens of thousands of dollars without the OK of a previously defined confidant. This would go a long way towards preventing cybercrime.

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