Kanadas schlechtester Finanzminister aller Zeiten – Justin Trudeau



    1. DeeplyRooted1002 on

      620 billion debt to 1.2 trillion… how did Canada ever let this happen.

    2. Well not making excuses for Trudeau at all because he is clearly a buffoon and has kicked all of his finance ministers around like a soccer ball…but a global pandemic also happened. But I suppose the cost of that and the resultant spending spree, which almost no one including the National Post (who received their ample share) could have anticipated, didn’t fit the thesis of the article…

    3. Element_905 on

      The Harper government ran deficits as well.

      2008-09: $5.8 billion
      2009-10: $55.6 billion
      2010-11: $33.4 billion
      2011-12: $26.3 billion
      2012-13: $18.4 billion
      2013-14: $5.2 billion

      $55.6 billion adjusted for inflation is over $76 billion today.

    4. Dapper-Campaign5150 on

      Trudeau is the recognized as Comedian of Canada among world leaders!!!

    5. PurchaseGlittering16 on

      He’s a drama teacher with experience in rafting and hospitality. The fact that he was empowered to make decisions on behalf of others at all is a travesty in itself.

    6. robertomeyers on

      For those wondering how he became popular.

      Current demographics. 25% of Canada are 1st generation. 17% are 2nd generation. 42% voting on ONLY immigration and minority social policy. Source stats can.

      Canada is heavily tipped over and majority rule means the real business of Canada, from trade to domestic GDP have suffered excessive taxation and neglect. Labour and capital investment is upside down.

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