Der Schweizer Senat stimmt dafür, Geschlechterdiskriminierung gesetzlich unter Strafe zu stellen
Von BezugssystemCH1903
“Violence begins with words”, added Maya Graf of the Green Party.
But…they aren’t the same thing. Societies benefit from free speech.
FAQ in German:
>Parliament’s decision
>- sexism to become a criminal offence – the most important answers
Would this law mean the end for women only gym, saunas and domestic violence shelters?
Can’t wait to see the civil discussions about this on r/europe.
This vote was not about “gender discrimination”. Gender discrimination is already illegal. Another bad translation …
Great, now find a way to make it not impossible to be hired after 50
Wasn’t it the case already?
I honestly don’t get it. All of the laws against “hate speech” in whatever form are just nuts. There are already laws on the books prohibiting actions, like discrimination or harassment. However, specifically outlawing forms of *speech?!* That is a huge step towards prosecuting “thought crime”. None of these laws should exist.
This is going to go to a referendum anyway if it passes as a law for sure. SVP will make sure there will be a vote on it.
So, hiring a woman instead of a man just because she is a woman is illegal? Thank God.
How do we understand discrimination in those context? Is it a specific nomenclature for law? Cause we discriminate (in the proper sense) in every aspect of life?
Does it mean unfair/harmful treatment?