Irland erhält den weltweit ersten 3D-gedruckten Sozialwohnungsbau


  1. lughnasadh on

    Submission Statement

    Ireland has one of the western world’s most severe housing crisis. Average house prices in summer 2024 are at €360,000 ($375,000) and rising at 10% per year. That’s more expensive than the average American house price, and double the EU average. If ever there was a country that needs 3D printing of houses to work, it’s Ireland.

    This development is notable for a few features. It took 132 days from first onsite work to handing the keys over, considerably faster than traditional methods. It’s social housing, so not sold at open-market rates. Finally, it’s all done to EU building regulations with regard to quality.

    Still, it’s only 3 houses. Ireland needs 60,000 houses a year to keep up with its population increase, and is currently only building about half that. The existing deficit of people wanting homes is in the 100,000’s. 3D printing better take off fast if its to make any dent in that.

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