Wissenschaftler haben die Existenz einer dritten Form des Magnetismus bestätigt



    1. nexuseeker on

      Scientists have successfully created and imaged altermagnetic materials, a third form of magnetism that blends characteristics of ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism, previously thought incompatible. Using photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM), they mapped and manipulated magnetic spin directions in the ideal crystal structure of manganese telluride (MnTe). This breakthrough advances understanding of electron spin and its role in magnetism, with significant implications for fields like spintronics, superconductors, and topological materials. Altermagnets could enable more efficient, higher-capacity data storage, reduce energy loss in electronics, and improve quantum computing by optimizing electron behavior at the nanoscale.

    2. >While it might not have much impact on your refrigerator magnet collection, for people who make superconductors and topological materials at near-absolute zero, this could be the next big thing.

      What this means for the average joe. Exciting nonetheless.

    3. Appropriate-Ad-8030 on

      Oh wow….an article on actual science in the science forum. I was getting tired reading about garbage studies from postmodernist sociology departments.

    4. I read the article and do not understand anything about ALTERMAGNETISM other than it could be useful at near absolute zero temperatures with superconductors

      I started the referenced Nature article here: [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08234-x](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08234-x) – and I understand none of it.

      I do not understand and I need someone to ELI5 this for me. Fortunately I can google, so I found


      Murdering the top comment from u/FailureToComply0, I read that normal magnets aka ferromagnets are made of atoms that spin in the same direction. Obviously spin isn’t what I think of spin, it’s the weird whatever spin that doesn’t actually mean spin. Sigh. They should’ve called it whizzle or squeeb or something. Anyway, the total spin is ‘additive’ and results in an external magnetic field, so things stick without being sticky, or rather, they pull and push.

      Comment continues to explain that anti-ferromagnets are the opposite, alternating spin “like a chessboard”. Because each spin is now surrounded by opposite spins, the total result is no magnetic field at all. Also anti-ferromagnets can’t carry a charge.

      Finally it states that alter magnets combine the two useful properties, with “a chessboard-like organization of different spins that *don’t* cancel each other out, allowing the material to carry charge, and a lack of external magnetic field that would interfere with sensitive equipment.”

      I don’t understand how this exists or the cause for why it’s different or why it isn’t still just magnetism but whacky spinny in style.

    5. So by them releasing this info to the public means that they might have discovered it a few years ago?

    6. This is awesome, I’ve always wanted to dive into the knowledge and understanding of magnetism but I have no clue where to start. I simply just skim through these articles and ponder the “what ifs”

    7. This is the fourth type of magnetism right? The third is sexual magnetism. Which is where all the people I am attracted to are repelled by me…

    8. BroccoliSuperb2721 on

      I have animal magnetism… I go outside and squirrels stick to me

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