Erste Videos von israelischen Angriffen auf den Jemen, nachdem eine Houthi-Rakete über Zentralisrael abgefangen wurde

Von flint83


  1. Mars_target on

    After having destroyed hamas, hesbollah and Syria. The houthis thought now was their time to shine and send a singular missile after the most competent fighting force in the entire region. Man Israel is cleaning up nicely. Can’t wait till they remove Iran for a full house of terrorist cleansing.

  2. Fuck around then find out, then fuck around again and find out – again. Then fuck around yet again, and find out…yet again….

    Maybe they need to find out in a harsher way??

  3. Striper_Cape on

    I hope that guy who was telling me Israel’s Air Defences can’t do anything against missiles from the 90s, sees this.

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