Irland bleibt bei den Verteidigungsausgaben in Europa das Schlusslicht, wie neue Zahlen zeigen

Von Anony_mouse202


  1. simulacrum79 on

    They can keep f-ing around on their island and I don’t really care what they do as long as they will not block the EU from having a strong and integrated defense.

  2. grand_historian on

    God bless Ireland. The only country in the EU apart from Hungary that hasn’t been taken over by warmongering neoliberals out for Russian blood.

  3. Bluestreak2005 on

    Ireland should position itself as a weapon stockpile place. Lots of space, and low density protected from most missile strikes. We’ve seen how low these stockpiles are and how quickly they are depleted during war.

    Get the EU to spend some money on storage and rail upgrades to connect cities and weapons stockpiles. You just got an extra 14 billion from Apple, use it for some upgrades to factories and rail.

  4. The irish wave of anti semitism and now bottom of defence spending, indicates the Irish collectively have lost their minds and are ripe for a major political upheaval.

  5. Consistent_Dirt1499 on

    We simply don’t spend enough for our (very modest) military needs.

  6. Fluffy-Republic8610 on

    Is this a big surprise? We have a geographic advantage and we use it. Doesn’t every country in the world leverage its advantages?

    We were unlucky in many ways. We didn’t get vast oil fields or mineral deposits. We got put right beside a rapacious colonialist who killed and stole and menaced us for hundreds of years. The other side is facing the Atlantic where no military has ever been except the Spanish Armada and look what happened to them.

    The only lucky bit is it’s now a very quiet part of Europe that doesn’t need a lot of defending. Nobody would want to invade. There’s nothing worth having. Hence we don’t spend a lot on it.

    There are plans to upgrade to primary radar and expand our operations to protect the cables that come through Ireland. But they don’t require us to spend 2% of gdp or join an alliance.

  7. 12BarsFromMars on

    Bottom in defense spending?. . Why not?. . .who the hell would want to invade Ireland. . . . . ./s

  8. mariuszmie on

    Ireland is not in nato so no obligations – whoever is in treaty with them to protect them should be concerned

  9. Brother_Jankosi on

    Ireland continues to be the most irresponsible country in europe.

  10. Antique-Brief1260 on

    Just speaking for myself as a British taxpayer, I would have no problem with the UK covering Ireland’s defence indefinitely. Frankly it’s the least we can do to make up for being the main threat for many centuries past.

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