Auf der Karte: Amerikas glücklichste Staaten im Jahr 2024

Von Unlucky_Destroyer


  1. KyleKingman on

    As someone from California I really have a hard time believing we’re that happy with the cost of everything here

  2. centuryofprogress on

    I love how MN is near the top even though weather is one of the variables. The sun goes down at 4pm right now. Everything else is that good.

  3. I live in Maryland, one of the happiest states. But I live in a red county so I’m a miserable piece of shit and I hate it here. Yay?

  4. elliotsilvestri on

    High correlation between being poor and miserable, voting Republican and being miserable.

  5. BlackDante on

    I’m surprised Hawaii is at the top given all the issues I’ve heard about them having out there

  6. HappyToBeHere000 on

    We’ve got 300 days of sunshine on the front range of Colorado, and everyone is hiking 14ers all day so we’re quite healthy. Do we work more than other states? I don’t get it.

  7. germantechno on

    Surprised CO isn’t higher. People that live there never shut the fuck up about how amazing it is to live there.

  8. Thiseffingguy2 on

    Get it, NJ, #3??

    “Following next in line is New Jersey, with residents reporting the second-highest levels of life satisfaction nationwide”, and the highest levels of evening aerial entertainment!

  9. Sudden-looper on

    Not surprised MN is up top. Lived a few different places and love it here!

  10. Johnson_N_B on

    Knew before I even clicked on the link that Louisiana would be the least happy. What an absolute shithole of a state.

  11. Maryland, one of the happiest states?? Get the fuck out of here. Have you talked to anyone who lives there? Probably not, because they’d sooner tell you to fuck off!

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