Die Ethikkommission des Repräsentantenhauses stimmt für die Veröffentlichung des Berichts von Matt Gaetz



  1. Snowfish52 on

    If they embarrass him enough, they feel he’s done with politics. Yeah right, ask Trump about that…

  2. TheRealHippie1 on

    My question is, why haven’t they released it sooner. The man should be in jail.

  3. Few questions for MAGA:

    Maga; What aspect do you care for the kids when we dont hear any denouncement of a person who allegedly paid tens of thousands of dollars to children in VENMO payments through your “girlfriends son”? IMO.

    Do you care about protecting kids?

    Why is this person deserving of having investigations hidden?

    Why would people knowingly put this person up for promotions?

  4. Squire_LaughALot on

    Probably the sanitized version that doesn’t implicate the other Representatives and Senators still holding Office; damage control

  5. franchisedfeelings on

    I really wanna know what changed their position to releasing the findings. Something just does not add up.

  6. They ran out of options to avoid doing the right thing. Let’s hope this ends the man’s political career. May justice take its course.

  7. blackmobius on

    Matts usefulness is up, so they turned on him

    As maga always does and always will

  8. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL cleans reading glass lenses cos this is gonna be good.

  9. georgiafinn on

    How many days until recess? Will someone still have time to change their minds for them?
    Is anyone certain that they won’t just modify the report and sanitize it?

  10. Adventurous-Depth984 on

    I mean, with all the hubbub, it’s obvious that he raped that girl. You don’t pay hush money for no reason.

    Blocking the report makes it worse, because, then, given that we know he did it, it’s somehow even worse than that. Now the limit of how bad it was is somehow worse than our imaginations….

  11. tallslim1960 on

    This is what happens when you no longer useful to the mob (aka Federalist Society) it will happen to Trump too, I can’t wait.

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