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Seems to have all the right MAGA qualifications to be in Wingnut’s cabinet.
Our next ambassador to The Vatican
Ghouls. Obstructionists. Pedophiles.
The modern GOP.
Thoughts and prayers pedo…
Remember when you got all excited about Hunter Biden….it’s glorious to see this shit weasel squirm like the POS he is..
Aww, poor Matt. Daddy couldn’t buy your way outta this, huh?
I’ll believe it when i see it.
We said the same type of shit about Trump and look what happened.
But Gaetz’s movie career is just beginning as:
” Return of the Joker ” ? /S
Oh dear,there goes his reputation.
Is the melting coming from the horrible plastic face of his?
Maybe we can get Bill Barr to summarize it for MAGA so that Matt isn’t held accountable by the public?
Nothing bad ever happens to them, this will be a nothing burger.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy…
So he thinks “because he changed” that it never happened? Sorry, but people have been refused things for much smaller infractions than this.
Now it’s time for MTG to make good on her promise.
Hopefully, he’ll be able to work at any McDonald’s as long as he’s supervised & he accepts no young girls phone number.
I hope he does a “if I’m going down, you’re going down, too.” But, we know they’ll just pay him off to keep his weasely little mouth shut.
Nothing will happen to him. The people who worship trump won’t believe it.
It won’t tarnish his reputation among his peers
Keep going House of Ethics!! You have more to investigate!!!
Couldn’t be happening to a nicer guy
Time to put that slime ball away for good. One less criminal in politics.
Until he’s in jail he’s not punished enough.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
Not chance to rebut, while preemptively rebutting?
Didn’t MTG threaten to bring down the whole boat if they did this? 🤞
So he’s saying he did nothing illegal, but he had to pay women to date him. Isn’t that prostitution? ( which is cool, but I do believe there’s more to this story)
Oh, are they all of a sudden going to start suffering consequences?? Please…
All of that shit should be public record. Then maybe some of the shenanigans would cease.
If he had nothing to hide, he’d demand they release the report.
Didn’t he also go into a SCIF with a mobile device, which is against Security Protocol?
LOL!!!! Is MTG going to name names now? She said she would. This could get so good.
In about another ten years, the ethics report will be old enough for Gaetz wanting to sleep with it.
I’ll believe it when I see it. Until the report is public, it might as well not exist. Until things actually come out, especially completed things like this report, the media needs to stop teasing us with them.
I don’t understand how or why they are even allowed to **not** release stuff like this. These assholes are elected representatives. If they’re caught doing shady shit, we have a right to know all the details.
And they think Liz Chaney should be prosecuted.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy
Who cares?
Yeah this guy has his tongue all the way up trumps ass, nothing will happen to him.
Front bottom hole or back bottom hole screwed asking for a friend?