Junge Wähler sagen in einer bombastischen neuen Umfrage, dass die Ermordung des CEO von UnitedHealthcare „akzeptabel“ sei



    1. heyheyshinyCRH on

      I’m not pro-murder in general but I’m also not shedding any tears. There’s definitely a scale of more and less acceptable. It is interesting to see one that sparked the opposite of public outrage though lol

    2. EclecticMFer on

      If killing the masses for profit is an acceptable state of affairs then killing the people forcing that upon us would be self defense, wouldn’t it?

    3. BlacqueJShellaque on

      Sickening and disgusting anyone would excuse this type of behavior

    4. Surprise surprise surprise. The generation of students subjected to sitting in classrooms as sitting ducks for potential mass school shootings think the killing was acceptable. Just Shocking!

    5. Hatred is hiw Americans have been reared.  Even Christians are moving from turn the other cheek to eye for eye with generations of hate propoganda oozingbout into our psyche

    6. Flat-Emergency4891 on

      Is this a shock? This is a generation who knows nothing less than “You’re on your own suckers”.

      The young generation feels betrayed, and they have been. The older generations stripped many of them of a fair chance at a better future. I’m in my 40’s and I feel stuck in the middle of the older establishment doing the fucking and the youngest generation who are the most fucked by this entire system. I hope they are proactive for their future. They need to elect people of the same generation who will strip power from the establishment Republicans and Democrats alike. I still have hope. I just hope they don’t begin to normalize violence. God knows they’ve been exposed to more of it than most Americans alive today have experienced first hand.

    7. ElementalSaber on

      They don’t care to do anything about the shooting gallery that is our country but moved the world for their own safety. This is only the natural response the people will have after being screwed over for so long.

    8. Cheapthrills13 on

      There are a lot of lawyers out there that should start reviewing “self defense” options!

    9. CaptainBayouBilly on

      I wouldn’t go so far as to say acceptable, but I would say inevitable and expected.

      And, I am not really mournful for the guy. Like I wouldn’t shed tears for others directly responsible for so many dying like he was.

    10. Gumbi_Digital on

      What Luigi did was premeditated, and a crime.

      What the CEO did was premeditated, and capitalism.

      One is chastised and the other celebrated.

      The fact that Luigi is being charged as a terrorist when SCHOOL SHOOTERS are charged with lesser crimes says all there is to know about America, and who they protect.

      MLK said rioting is “the voice of the unheard”…

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