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Not really sure why they’re proping Russia up anyway.
It has no long term negative effect on their enemies and the world isn’t going to be more tolerant of a Taiwan invasion whatever happens in Ukraine.
Politically, it seems to me to make way more sense for them to build relationships with the West by condemning Russia.
It is XI’s strategic mistake by allying China with Putin’s Russia.
It would have all the advantages of aligning China with Western countries.
I couldn’t read the article as an ad blocked it. Can anyone summarise what their response was? I would love to hear.
There are consequences to having a “no limits relationship” with Russia.
Lol, what it about China and ruzzia going on about the ”unilaterality” of the sanctions?
Like yeah, thats the nature of them. We’re unlikely to agree on bilateral sanctions.
What argument are they even trying to make? That only trade arrangements both sides agrees to should be in effect? Ok, well we no longer agree to the previous arrangement, making it unilateral… so we we’re correct in scrapping it?
Russia, China and India suffer from the same pathological condition: maladaptive narcissism
I thought China & Russia had their new anti-west buddy group. They should be thrilled to not have to deal with Western countries given how openly they dislike us.
They called the sanctions “unilateral”? It’s a 27-nation bloc.
Russia is a terrorist state, label them as such and ensure sanctions put an end to anyone who wants to do business with them.
Fk china
ima keep it 100; if we want to use sanctions as a ‘peaceful’ method of fighting against bad actors; there are so many other reasons china shoulda been sanctioned by now. the south china sea BS chiefly in my mind, since we have blatant evidence of them doing it. Our refusal to punish China economically for throwing its weight around is arguably why we are in the current situation where China’s military is quickly catching up to the US and has already passed us in production capacity and relative fighter capabilities (assuming their newest is as producable as expected)
>He added they have “no basis in international law or authorization by the U.N. Security Council,” though that body does not, in fact, have authority over sanctions imposed by independent bodies or countries.
I mean there’s no law saying they have to, neither is there any law saying they can’t. It sanctions. People or groups are allowed to choose how they apply them. While they usually do follow some sort of rules or regulations, such things are rules that any nation or organization can create on their own. The ICC or the UN has no authority over such matters.
Indian should be next they been doing business with Russia
These chinese always says ” we want peace” but do the opposite, just like in the philippine west sea the always say they want peace but they always harass poor filipino fishermen who only want to feed their family.
Lin Jian isn’t wrong when he points out that the US and the EU countries continue to trade with Russia. So plenty of hypocrisy to go round
People dying horrifically while these fuckers playing games.What a fucked up world is this.
“How was I supposed to know there would be consequences for my actions?!? This has never happened before!! This is unfair!” -China
I see that many of you either didnt read the article or didnt understand it. The EU has sanctioned a list of ***Chinese firms*** who do business with Russia. Not the country China.
Oh, bother!
Like all dictatorships they hate being criticised. Because they can’t control the narrative up front.