Soweit ich weiß, handelt es sich dabei nicht um verpflichtende Öffnungszeiten, aber sie ermöglichen es dem Unternehmen, je nach Kundennachfrage flexibel zu öffnen. Zum Beispiel: Textilgeschäfte könnten nach 19 Uhr, wenn die Leute mit der Arbeit fertig sind, mehr Geschäfte haben!
Gibt es besondere Gründe, warum dies schlecht für die Wirtschaft oder das Land ist?
Von DirtGoosePup
It’s a good change.
Historically, shop opening hours in Luxembourg, were only tailored to fonctionnaires/civil servants who finish their days at 16h, as well as the army of retired who wander aimlessly through shopping centres since 8am on any day of the week.
The unions scream at everything right now.
It is not bad for the economy but the people working in the shops would not be happy working this late is the argument
This is bad for the employees who have to work those shifts. For the economy or the shops, I don’t know. It’s not because shops are open for longer that I will buy more stuff. Maybe they will close from 2pm to 4pm, or in the middle of the week to compensate
yes please♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
In Poland the shopping malls are normally open until 9pm, on Fridays even until 10pm in some instances. It’s crazy how here when most of clients finish work, the shops close and their employees end their work.