Elon Musk und X sind die Top-Verbreiter von Fehlinformationen im Internet



  1. newswall-org on

    More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – Guardian (C+): [Elon Musk to not receive highest-level government security clearance – reports](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/dec/16/elon-musk-government-security-clearance)
    – The Hill (B): [Warren asks for conflict-of-interest rules covering Musk](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/5044099-elon-musk-elizabeth-warren-donald-trump/)
    – Entrepreneur (B): [Elon Musk Is Still the Richest Person in the World and Just Hit a Record Net Worth of Over $400 Billion. Here's How.](https://www.entrepreneur.com/business-news/elon-musks-net-worth-hits-over-400-billion-first-ever/484172)
    – HuffPost (D+): [Elizabeth Warren Urges Trump To Place Guardrails On Top Ally Elon Musk](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/elizabeth-warren-musk-conflict-of-interest_n_676191e6e4b061ac46a04e57)

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  2. mtnman54321 on

    So much misinformation and disinformation yet big chunks of the populace (looking at you, MAGA!) just lap it up. Done on purpose by the folks at FOX and by Felon Musk on his X.

  3. PreparationKey2843 on

    This should also be in r/NoShitSherlock.
    He bought the presidency to make him, trump, and the cabal even *richer*.
    And that last sentence should also be in

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