Eddie Stobart ist tot, als die Legende der LKW-Firma, die jedem LKW seinen Namen gegeben hat, stirbt


Von SlySquire


  1. IsWasMaybeAMefi on

    “Eddie Stobart is also famous for allowing drivers to name the truck to which they are assigned – a tradition started by Mr Stobart himself.”

    Did not know the drivers named the trucks.

    Years ago, when the AA Book of the Road was almost a requirement we would note the names of every truck we saw. Pages and pages of names.

  2. They’ve made a biopic about his life, apparently. I haven’t seen the film yet, but the trailer looks good.

  3. RIP Eddie, died at a respectable 95! A true legend and staple of UK logistics

  4. Dennyisthepisslord on

    It was his son who made the business what it was. He died years ago. Went bankrupt and a younger son brought it off from him.

    He also died nearly two weeks ago yeah it’s only just got on the Internet today!

  5. I wonder whether the drivers will stop waving back during the mourning period.

  6. LiamJonsano on

    I don’t really know why, but I do remember being very little and having what I seem to recall as being an official notebook where you could jot down all the names you spot and presumably where you spot them

    I guess it was something to do while in the backseat on your way to god knows where

  7. icantbearsed on

    I always find titles like “John Smith Dead” to be a little harsh and abrasive vs using “has died”

  8. Used to look out for the lorries as a kid when going on our big summer holidays!

    Had a brief run of animated programmes called “Steady Eddie” which was basically Thomas the Tank but with trucks.

  9. PurposePrevious4443 on

    Wtf I’m sure he died a decade ago but that was actually his son Edward. Confusing

  10. Vyvyansmum on

    I was very excited to see my name on a lorry. Not me specifically but there’s a lot of us from my era…

  11. princessxha on

    I bet Nessa regrets selling her trucks, but they were a bugger to park around Barry…

  12. ok_not_badform on

    I’ve met Eddie a few times as a kid. My uncle was a vehicle and truck nut. He was a lovely bloke and gave me a miniature truck. Plus always fun looking for the names of the wagons when driving long distance

  13. Better_Carpenter5010 on

    Used to play that game with my grandparents when travelling, to look out and write the names of the Eddie stobart trucks.

  14. tesolation on

    Sounds like a great guy who actually had passion for his craft. Fair play.

  15. One of the few truck firms that pays for their drivers to use the M6 Toll. Gotta respect him for that.

  16. douggieball1312 on

    I was just thinking the other day that these lorries all seem to have vanished. Guessing swallowed up by another faceless multinational corporation which then ripped out the soul and scrapped the branding?

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