Von FB geklaut. Wer hat hier so einen Scheiß genannt wie letzten Monat?

Von KBeardo


  1. No-Impress91 on

    Didnt you hear pentagon said its just hobbyist drone enthusiast playing a prank on us across the US.

  2. pinkyxpie20 on

    it wouldn’t surprise me one bit. we are not the only form of advanced life. we live on a floating rock in an infinite space, anything is truly possible lol

  3. doesphpcount on

    lol. Apparently everyone has insider information that is all different. Nothing ever happens.

  4. Poophead85 on

    Does anyone else remember the Israeli official who, maybe two years ago maybe less, said that there is a galactic federation that the US government is in communication with?


    I’m just grateful the aliens were considerate enough to comply with FAA anti-collision light regulations.

  6. Imagine this is real and we set ourselves up to have either Biden, Kamala, or Trump be the ones to negotiate a further truce… ouch

  7. Ready-Landscape6007 on

    No such thing as aliens or ET UFO’s. All government Bluebeam bullshit

  8. Kerboviet_Union on

    Honestly wouldn’t mind watching humanity get their clock cleaned. We’re an awful species, and I need my warhammer 40k existence.

  9. JokeBookJunkie on

    I like how it says in coming months…as if aliens agree to stick to human timing for reveals and battles lol

  10. Nocturnal_submission on

    At least the weekly world news would make up pictures of bat boy. This is just low effort.

  11. dietdrkelp329 on

    I say we send drones to THEIR planet and let them know we’re down for whatever. In 72,000,000 years, they’ll see we mean business.

  12. Optimal_Meaning_5550 on

    Humanity is going to receive the greatest gift of all this Christmas. And all the naughty kids will be getting lumps of coal. You know what coal is for? Fire. Anyone else see the correlation between Santa, Christmas and what’s going on right now? I do.

    Santa is a parable for our buddies in the skies. He gives gifts to the good kids and coal to the bad. Good kids will be going with him this time though. To be shown how the North Pole works. And meet his reindeer and elves. And the bad kids, with all their coal are going to burn this world to the ground.

  13. everydaycarrie on

    If the U.S. and Israel have partnered with any nhi, it is clear that they have partnered with the bad guys.

    Both have greatly harmed humanity in the last 70 years. They gained only weapons with which to kill human beings more quickly while their idea of progress has caused the ecosystem that we depend upon to be polluted to the point that we are all consuming *plastic.*

    They have not reduced global poverty. They have not employed clean energy. There are still people starving to death in this world.

    And what did we get? Handheld computers that they use to compel our vanity and consumerism.

  14. Chickenizers on

    So why is Blue Beam happening earlier than expected. I always thought that would be the final step around 2030, not 2024. I always figured it went pandemic, financial collapse, war, blue beam

  15. AldruhnHobo on

    Spock, a cylon and Yoda could beam down right in front of me and I wouldn’t give a shit.

  16. Frog_Eat_Frog_World on

    Oppenheimer called it. But the US insisted that if he didn’t do it, another would. He did it in a fashion to delay the inevitable situation we are in now.

  17. HHAHAHAHAH fucking BS.
    “In the coming months…” “Within weeks…” Major announcement in a few days”… Been reading this garbage for DECADES.

  18. skiploom188 on

    2 more weeks its habbening guys

    prove me wrong pls

    otherwise just carry on as usual

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