Vergessen Sie nie, dass Assange verhaftet und angeklagt wurde, weil er gedroht hatte, dies durchsickern zu lassen. Link im Sub

Von Stimul8ed


  1. iPartyLikeIts1984 on

    The excerpt referenced stated:

    *When the public are at their breaking point and the house of cards starts to tremble, “extraterrestrials” are to be deployed.*

  2. slanderedshadow on

    Always seems to be the case doesnt it? So theyre nice and isolated and nobody will help them.

  3. CassiusMethyl999 on

    They for sure killed and replaced this dude there’s no way he’s free

  4. incognito7917 on

    Assange needs to be pardoned, prove me wrong. And it’s been 14 yrs and nothings been published on WL about aliens.

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