Lebensmittelpreise dürften steigen, da der Boden „unproduktiv“ wird



  1. Mike_Huncho on

    This is a reason why banning gmos will be so potentially devastating.

  2. Gorgeous_Gonchies on

    Uh huh, sure Newsweek. Of course it’s not corporate greed that’s making things more expensive, it’s that darn *unproductive soil*. Right.

  3. SideburnSundays on

    It’s almost as if the planet isn’t designed to sustain unlimited growth.

  4. PatrolPunk on

    So we are living in the Interstellar timeline now. I literally had a guy I work with say that movie was global warming propaganda.

  5. Doesn’t help when one of the world top 5 wheat producers invades another top 5 producing country. And food inputs as part of sanctions or trade wars across the globe.

  6. Maybe plowing, growing one fucking crop, and blasting the soil with fertilizers and pesticides over and over again is not a great idea.

  7. PsychologicalLime120 on

    Seeing as there is two to three times as much food in stores as actually required, there’s no need for rising costs.

  8. Has anyone told the dirt to pull itself up by it’s boot straps yet?

  9. showmeyourkitteeez on

    Who would have thought that destroying the soil biome and climate change would lead to this? Dow and Big Oil have no comments.

  10. A_Concerned_Viking on

    If we all become suddenly unproductive, we will probably win

  11. All_In_One_Mind on

    This is what the CEO’s of grocery corporations want you to think. Meanwhile they are pulling in record profits.

  12. I always hate winters in the Midwest, but this is why I feel safer living here. We have the most fertile soil in the world and the Great Lakes have the largest store of freshwater right in my back yard. No hurricanes. No earthquakes. The only thing we have is tornados.

  13. We purposefully rebuild soil much faster than people previously thought using regenerative agriculture. We could literally restore land through a combination of rewilding and regenerative practices. People are doing it all over the world.

    Like all our problems, we have the tools to fix them, but we have to start accepting that change will be necessary to fix what we’ve broken.

  14. pieman7414 on

    Yeahhhhh baby let’s keep growing corn to inefficiently convert it into biofuel for basically no reason but agriculture lobbying

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