General Kirillov und Leibwächter nach dem Angriff

Von Devaney1984


  1. TrippinLSD on

    Live by the Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear weapons….

    die by the Scooter

  2. Healthy_Title8920 on

    Thing that sucks is that his lights were out before he could appreciate his body being vaporized.

  3. Admirable_Hunter_703 on

    What is a scooter bomb? Like literally a scooter packed with explosives that was set to ignite when they passed by it?

  4. InternetCitizen2193 on

    Very Mossad-esque attack. Makes you wonder if there’s any back room assistance at all from them to Ukraine. Would be in their interest since Russia sides with Syria.

  5. DepletedPromethium on

    I like the new haircuts they received that seem to have obliterated their faces.

    very impressive.

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