Die Zahl der HIV-Todesfälle in Russland liegt bei 30.000 pro Jahr, was den Rückgang der Arbeitskräfte untergräbt



  1. what’s worse is that i fear for all those sexual assault victims during the ukraine invasion where there was mass rapes by the russian troops. How many of those ukranians now have to deal with fallout from stuff like this? I doubt the HIV was contained to the civillian labor sector.

  2. EquivalentAcadia9558 on

    Please god russian people revolt so you can get a leader who gives a fuck about you and can look after Russia properly.

  3. Workaroundtheclock on

    Ignoring clear and present dangers fucks up your country,

    More at 11.

  4. Silly-avocatoe on

    From the article:

    Around 30,000 Russians of working age die annually from HIV, according to Vadim Pokrovsky, the head of Russia’s Federal Methodological Center for HIV/AIDS Prevention.

    This figure continues to rise alongside increasing treatment costs for the government and a lack of early HIV testing.

    Speaking to the state-run TASS news agency, Pokrovsky revealed that the Russian government spends 70 billion rubles ($670 million) per year on HIV treatment. The epidemic is exacerbated by the loss of economically active individuals, which Pokrovsky highlighted as a critical economic blow. 

    “If each year we lose 30,000 young, able-bodied people who could work for another 20-30 years, that is an additional loss [to the economy],” he said.

    Russia’s HIV epidemic, which has resulted in 1.7 million infections and nearly 500,000 deaths to date, stems primarily from gaps in early diagnosis and inconsistent treatment availability.

    Reports indicate that shortages of antiretroviral drugs, including the vital medication Dolutegravir, have emerged due to disrupted supply chains and procurement issues, with some supply tenders being canceled altogether.

  5. Projectionist76 on

    They die from HIV in Russia? In the normal world people die from AIDS

  6. Leather_Search_2018 on

    Russia stoping the war could help the civilian labor force recover.

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