„Wird nicht kooperieren“: Sheriffs des Grenzstaates machen Trumps Abschiebeplan einen Strich durch die Rechnung



  1. individualine on

    The only hope for America to remain a democracy is for people to not allow our freedoms and norms to become discombobulated by a madman intent on doing whatever the hell he wants whenever he wants irregardless of the laws and what our constitution say.

  2. Blue_Back_Jack on

    *don’t want to take on more work*

    We finally benefit from our lazy law enforcement.

  3. JFKs_Burner_Acct on

    Blue state resident and rancher/ I employ many indigenous and Latino Americans on my ranch, they are family to me. We work together, eat together, and live life alongside each other

    I feel I have a certain obligation to hold my ground and protect my people if it comes to that

    I am prepared to hide people, and defend my property from illegal search & seizures. They will literally have to kill me and martyr me because that’s what is necessary.

    Many of us have asked ourselves as youngsters learning about the Jewish Holocaust and other atrocities where we said “I will do this or that if the nazis ever came to my door” and this is that time to put up or shut up.

    What will you do in the face of fascism? When the government has turned on its citizens, who will you stand with?

    It’s going to be easy to comply, self preservation is understandable, but when will you stand up for someone who cannot fight back or does not have the same skin color or religion as you?

    That time could very well be coming. I hope we don’t get there, I really hope not, but knowing this is the plan, is cause enough for deep concern.

    This is go time folks, these next few years will challenge Americans on a fundamental level, this will challenge the American resolve.

  4. OverlyComplexPants on

    I got the impression that Trump was activating the US military to handle the deportations. I doubt they would need cooperation from local LE.

    This whole operation is going to be SO fucked up.

  5. Americangirlband on

    “rawstorynews” according to another article that we are basically plagerizing “this” happened. Hardly “raw” news. More like “processed cheese flavored news snack”.

  6. PreparationKey2843 on

    …*”led by retired sheriff Tom Mack, who is the head of the Constitutional Sheriffs”*…

    “Constitutional Sheriffs” are just maga Brown Shirts.
    “Stand back and stand by.”

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