Vielleicht erfordert das Projekt Blue Beam keine fortschrittliche holografische Technologie, sondern nur billige Geräte und die stets unzuverlässige menschliche Natur. Was auch immer das New-Jersey-Phänomen sein mag, Anthropologen und Soziologen werden daraus viel lernen können.

Von NotAnotherJp


  1. CaptainAntwat on

    If Covid taught me anything…All it’s going to take is legacy media to run with it.

  2. IAmTheLeadSinger on

    Lol it’s really not that big a deal. You’re being so dramatic

  3. IdidntchooseR on

    Just look at China’s New Year’s or Winter Olympics etc. opening ceremony using drones. It’s all old hat.

  4. Aesthetik_1 on

    The funny thing is those who denied the covid Hoax and were in favor of overblown lockdowns and control are going to be the first ones that tell you this is 100% authentic and real

  5. I will not submit to a new god/overlord unless it releases me from being a modern slave, just another politician at that point

  6. loveychuthers on

    [Jesus Christ 2nd Coming / Over Cuba (Prof. Simon)](

    “Did the CIA plan to project a holographic image of Jesus Christ over Havana Cuba in the 1960s? In an interview with Jacques Vallée, he claims this operation really happened and I think it might have been a secret French Technology used by the CIA to project an image of Christ from a submarine.“

    – Prof Simon

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