Das sagst du nicht?

Von FoolOfElysium


  1. FoolOfElysium on

    Experts know it’s dangerous all right… dangerous for their own job.

  2. Acceptable_Tell_310 on

    “…when … theories are correct, it legitimizes them.”

    yeah, thats what truth is, i hope you don’t have a problem with that, ctv news.

  3. starcoll3ctor on

    Haha love this. If that’s a real article I love that they phrased it that way. This is pretty much why they want to put shackles on social media.

    It is in fact not for “misinformation” but rather to control the flow of ACTUAL information.

  4. cast_iron_cookie on

    Not until we all agree the horizon is flat flying 10k in the air.

  5. top_scorah19 on

    I remember that article. It was actually real but since taken down it seems

  6. burningbun on

    if everyone thinks about something will happen, it will, even though it wouldnt have.

    this is the scary part of human’s mental strength.

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