Premierminister Donald Tusk: „Mein Appell an westliche Führer aus Lemberg: Hören Sie auf, über eine mögliche Niederlage der Ukraine zu spekulieren. Das hat nichts mit den Fakten zu tun. Die Ukraine verteidigt sich trotz einiger Neinsager wirksam gegen die russische Aggression, auch wenn niemand darauf reagiert hat.“ eine Chance in den ersten Tagen des
Von Silly-avocatoe
PM Tusk on social media – full tweet:
“My appeal to Western leaders from Lviv. Stop speculating about Ukraine’s possible defeat. It has nothing to do with the facts. Ukraine, despite some naysayers, defends itself effectively against the Russian aggression, even though no-one gave it a chance in the first days of the war. Do you remember? You remember it best. And you have proven in all those years that you need to think with faith in your strength. And you believed in your strength. Now is the time for the whole West to believe in its own strength, possibility, and its ability to convince all the actors of this great game that Ukraine and the whole world deserve just peace, and respect for territorial integrity and borders. We can no longer hesitate.”
delete twitter
Don’t know shit about this guy but he won me over with the handshake tweet.