Medwedew fordert Vergeltung nach der Ermordung des Generals der russischen Atomtruppen


  1. Consistent_Heat_9201 on

    Eh, crying that your aggressor is killed in a war you started.

  2. neonpurplestar on

    there is not much room for retaliation when you have already tried to genocide ukrainians

  3. He wore a Russian military uniform – he was fair game. He was responsible for the deployment of chemical weapons in Ukraine – he got off easy.

  4. So they are killing children and women in Ukraine (remember Bucha) but when one of their military leaders got killed they cry…

  5. Dependent-Bug3874 on

    It’s difficult to see how any ceasefire or peace is going to last.

  6. BeltfedOne on

    RU has tried to kill President Zelenskyy dozens of times. Who’s finger of death is longer?

  7. Not-User-Serviceable on

    Bullies always cry foul when they’re punched back.

    … there’s a pane of glass in Moscow with this guy’s name on it.

  8. janktraillover on

    Oh no! What if they launch missiles and attack drones at Ukraine? Fuck off Medvedev.

  9. less_butter on

    Yes, retaliate. You should totally invade Ukraine to teach them a lesson!

  10. Ok_Tea_1954 on

    Your just getting a taste of your own medicine you bunch of losers. Your people are killing and slaughtering innocent people. YOUR FOLLOWING A BASTARD WITH A BRAIN DEFECT. HE IS ONLY TRYING TO SHOW STRENGTH BECAUSE OF THE SIZE OF HIS PENIS. AND TAKING HIS PEOPLE WITH HIM

  11. ShotnTheDark_TN on

    They should do a quick run to Kiev and overthrow the government.

  12. Grand_Classic7574 on

    What are they gonna do? Start a 3 day special military operation?

  13. Are you gonna invade them harder? I thought when you are at war with someone, one of the fundamental objectives is to kill the enemy? you weren’t already doing that? Weird.

  14. Maybe if his boss hadn’t decided to invade his neighbor, his boss’s yes men wouldn’t have targets on their backs. Just a thought…

  15. Cool-Economics6261 on

    Killing him was the retaliation. 

    For Putin  using chemical weapons. 
    If Putin is willing to surrender, he could avoid the same. 

  16. He can do the retaliation by himself if he is so keen on it, instead of sending young Russian conscripts.

  17. On an unrelated note, does anyone know if Medvedev takes walks near scooter parking lots?

  18. Meanwhile, Russia targets power stations to ensure indiscriminate civilian suffering….

  19. GlitteringHighway on

    God forbid they invade Ukraine. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Jokes aside, Russia goes after children hospitals.

  20. Zen_Bonsai on

    Invading a sovereign country wasn’t enough for at least a few generals?

  21. Ruzzia’s been given many free passes, seems their luck is running out.

  22. Has Russia assassinated anyone from the Ukrainian brass? I’ve only ever heard of the opposite. Just a question, for a while there was this vaunted image of Russian intelligence, etc. Am I just getting one side of the story or has it really been this lopsided?

  23. KarnWild-Blood on

    Isn’t it just a casualty of war when you’re killed by agents of the country you invaded without provocation?

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