DARPA möchte die roten Blutkörperchen von Kriegskämpfern so modifizieren, dass sie in gefährlichen Umgebungen effektiver funktionieren können
DARPA möchte die roten Blutkörperchen von Kriegskämpfern so modifizieren, dass sie in gefährlichen Umgebungen effektiver funktionieren können
DARPA is looking to modify red blood cells with either natural or synthetic “cargoes” to aid warfighters’ abilities in dangerous and extreme environments.
The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is putting together the Red Blood Cell Factory (RBC-Factory) research program that aims to “create a medical device-based platform to accessorize human red blood cells (RBCs) with additional biologically active components (aka cargoes),” according to a special notice.
The idea is that loading red blood cells with biologically active cargoes like “small molecules, peptides, proteins, pigments, colloids, and nanomaterials” will enhance soldiers’ abilities to operate more efficiently in extreme environments.
Prior to deployment, warfighters may have little-to-no physiological preparation or protection, so DARPA is betting that “red blood cells with cargoes will allow recipients to maintain performance in these environments.”
Go ahead and put some juice in that cocktail and give the boys some meth.
We couldn’t even get a significant portion of them to get the Covid vax, can’t wait to see how this would go over.
[They should just use glycopeptides.](https://metalgear.fandom.com/wiki/Antifreeze_glycopeptide)
“The VA has determined that your Umbrella Corp mutation is not service related”
What a boon doggle, wars will be fought more by robots in the near future.