Das russische Gesundheitsministerium hat die Entwicklung eines Krebsimpfstoffs angekündigt, der russischen Patienten ab Anfang 2025 kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt werden soll.

Laut TASS, der staatlichen russischen Nachrichtenagentur, teilte Andrey Kaprin, Generaldirektor des Radiologie-Medizinischen Forschungszentrums des Gesundheitsministeriums, die Neuigkeiten kürzlich während einer Sendung im russischen Radio mit.

Der Impfstoff ist eher zur Behandlung von Krebspatienten als zur Krebsvorbeugung in der Allgemeinbevölkerung gedacht. Es wird auch für jeden Patienten personalisiert.

Alexander Gintsburg, Direktor des Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moskau, sagte zuvor gegenüber TASS, dass der Impfstoff das Potenzial habe, das Tumorwachstum zu unterdrücken und die Ausbreitung von Krebs zu verhindern. – Quelle

Von External-Noise-4832


  1. bRiCkWaGoN_SuCks on

    Cure for cancer: “*Yay!!!*”

    But it’s a vaccine: “*Boo!!!*”

  2. Cancer isn’t just cancer though… 

    That’s like saying you made a vaccine for back pain lol

  3. sxpremzkickz on

    Cancer is just a general word that makes zero sense….when you’re talking about the overall mutation of cells

  4. sethmcmath08 on

    lol u thought the COVID shot was bad… I can’t imagine the side effects of a Russian anti cancer shot… prolly gives you cancer or something…

  5. SuperChicken17 on

    I mean, killing cancer is pretty easy. We could easily make injections that kill cancer cells. The problem is that it would kill all the other cells too, along with the patient.

    My hunch is that this is nonsense.

  6. Nah thats crazy, r/conspiracy is antivax…unless its Russia. Hahahahahaha. Commies for the win.

  7. DivineEggs on

    Cancer is not even a pathogen that you can develop immunity against🥲. It’s cellular malfunctioning with many different causes.

  8. UniversalHuman000 on

    Don’t trust them one bit. They were the first ones to make a vaccine against Covid and it failed miserably.

  9. ACupOfDuck on

    For those who were deep in the rabbithole waaaay back. There was a treatment/vaccine made in the us long before russia had it.
    But as far as i know all the scientists got killed off, one by one. All by “accidents”.

    I don’t remember all the details, but it was custom treatment and was like a 90% success?


  10. TrumpDidNoDrugs on

    Oh sure, people on here are pro vaccine when Russia makes it lol

  11. DoYouNeedAnAmbulance on

    There’s literally no way there is one vaccine to prevent against cancer. There are so many ways the dna can mutate to cause rapid and inappropriate cell proliferation. Plus we all know how mind-numbingly awful mRNA vaccines are…

  12. The-White-Dot on

    Soooooo this place is pro vaccine when Russia is handing them out. Interesting.

  13. ACupOfDuck on

    For those who did not read the entire thing.

    The was not even a hint to force this “vax” on all people.
    Just the ones who were sick allredy would get this vaccine treatment..

    Pleas read ALL the letters and words before commenting….

    “Only Cancer patients will get vaccine”
    -OhNo WeRe GonNa hAVe ResiDeNt EviL sOoN… 🤦

  14. Doc_Mercury on

    From the article, that’s not a vaccine, it’s just a new treatment. And this is roughly equivalent to saying they have a vaccine for “sick” or “old age”

  15. OneLooseNoose on

    This the same country that’s suing Google for more money than all the money in the world?

  16. IlikeYuengling on

    Chernobyl has mushrooms growing inside of it. Penicillin is from fungus. I am not a scientist.

  17. ThotSuffocatr on

    There are already several “cancer vaccines”. People assume cancer is one thing but it’s actually extremely complicated and cell specific. For example, there are cancer vaccines that cause the host immune system to target cells that over-express tumor marker proteins such as HER2.

  18. SeaMathematician9301 on

    cancer is caused by toxicity, you couldn’t create a vaccine for it.

  19. Thanks for saying that Russia. I wonder what crazy thing they will say next.

  20. Vo_Sirisov on

    Cancer is not one disease. Saying you have a “vaccine for cancer” is like saying “We have a vaccine for virus”. This reeks of some shit a propagandist who doesn’t know shit about medicine pulled out of his ass.

  21. Cancer is not just one disease, it is an incredibly complex amalgamation of genetic mutations, epigenetic factors, and environmental triggers. There is no one cure for cancer.

  22. Antique-Resort6160 on

    In unrelated news, Pfizer lobbyists begin campaigning to give nuclear weapons to Ukraine.

  23. mrcanoehead2 on

    If it’s true, it would be the most valuable resource in the world.

  24. TheM0nkB0ughtLunch on

    I hope this is true. I’ve been living with stage 4 cancer for 4 years now and my time is limited. I hope this isn’t politicized by the US or Russians.

  25. National-Weather-199 on

    NOTHING IS FREE. It always comes with a Cost if it’s not money it could just be your life or quality of it…

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