Ich finde es ekelhaft und beunruhigend, dass eine überregionale Zeitung in Israel diese Kolumne mit dem Titel veröffentlicht hat
„Warum die Iren die Juden hassen“.
Abgesehen von der hetzerischen Schlagzeile und der völlig falschen Prämisse des Artikels – die Iren haben kein Problem mit dem jüdischen Volk, stehen aber den illegalen Handlungen Israels kritisch gegenüber – ist er voller Ungenauigkeiten und falscher Darstellungen der irischen Geschichte und der heutigen irischen Gesellschaft.
Ein Highlight:
Der konfessionelle Krieg zwischen Protestanten und Katholiken in Irland hat zu einem gesellschaftlichen Rückstand ihrer Kultur in Bezug auf Religion geführt. Sie spüren noch immer ihr altes Christentum in ihren Knochen. Und deshalb ähneln ihre Ansichten über Juden eher denen mittelalterlicher Christen als denen moderner.
Vielleicht sollte es keine Überraschung sein, dass der Autor versucht, den Konflikt als einen ausschließlich auf Religion basierenden Konflikt darzustellen, im Gegensatz zu Kolonisierung und Besatzung – Israel gibt diesen Teil nicht gerne zu. Und natürlich übersieht sie, dass viele Menschen in Irland heutzutage nicht einmal religiös sind.
Wie auch immer, es ist ein weiteres ziemlich trauriges Spiegelbild Israels und seines anhaltenden Verhaltens als Schurkenstaat im Kleinkindalter.
Ich kann mir kein irisches Medienunternehmen vorstellen, das zulässt, dass eine offen rassistische, antijüdische Hetzrede veröffentlicht und als normal oder akzeptabel ausgegeben wird.
What is being written about the Irish in Israeli media
byu/redelastic inireland
Von redelastic
This absolutely does not surprise me. The Times of Israel is basically a government mouth piece, and a rag.
Says a lot that their government imposed sanctions and a boycott on Haaretz.
Just ignore it. Don’t give them their rage clicks that they so desperately want. They’re always the victim and will change any narrative to make them the victims. That includes tribializing other peoples suffering.
When is propaganda ever true?
If we’re getting under the skin of the genociders we must be doing something right.
A shure would ye luk at ye, yer soaked true, sit down dere while I fetch ye a pint
It’s strange how Ireland is picked out when we’re not the only country with these stances. Spain has taken much of the same stances, they also “attempted to change the definition of genocide” (ie submitted their opinion on what the law actually means), yet I don\t think Israel Slingshot is running ads online about Spain over it, or even remotely suggesting they’ll close the embassy, just Ireland for whatever reason. Maybe because they can get away with it.
The Jews have a long history of anti Irishness, two significant examples being Benjamin Desrali former British PM around the famine and Lewis Charles Levin the leader of the anti Irish, anti Catholic know nothing movement in America that whipped up violence and hatred against Irish immigrants over there
Gentiles don’t get to decide what is and isn’t anti-Semitism. Same way white people don’t get to tell a black man what is and isn’t racist. Some of the despicable comments I’ve read against Jews (not Israelis – Jews) from Irish accounts on X with huge followings the past few days will haunt me for a long time.
Lisa Liel is a provocateur opposed to elucidator. She is not trying to be right, she is trying to get a headline and drive the conversation away from the facts of genocide.
This has been the entire policy so far. By using Ireland as an example, they can shift the conversation to the 1904 Limerick Pogram and De Valera while fully avoiding the current topic of Gazans and Palestinian lives.
This is part and parcel of the conversation. Expect it.
Seriously, fuck Israel and the horse they rode in on. Fuck them, cunts of the highest order.
Thanks for sharing, eloquently and fairly written….Jesus, had to edit there, I meant your post was eloquent, not that hateful shite you quoted from!
Worth a read, David McWilliams about the consequences for Israel if the EU applied sanctions on them
[I don’t think sanctions on Israel are imminent, but things can change quickly in times of war](https://www.davidmcwilliams.ie/post/i-don-t-think-sanctions-on-israel-are-imminent-but-things-can-change-quickly-in-times-of-war)
Basically, if the EU applied sanctions, Israel would have to pull in its horns, regardless of any US support.
File under “Coming Attractions”?
I’ve rarely ever been offended by media that another country writes about Ireland but this genuinely is horrid. Referencing sectarian violence that isn’t prominent anymore and saying that we hate Jews and have Christianity in our bones feels sectarian in of itself.
[Portugal held three days of my mourning for Hitler’s death](https://www.bhsportugal.org/library/articles/half-mast-hitlers-death-1945)
But this gowl hates us enough to ignore facts.
We are outliers all things considered and easy scapegoats for action taken within the message .
The Israel stance presented true to the leaders of Israel. Consequences zero as things stand . A political move that is being dismissed as such by myself .