Der Stadtrat von Dublin habe bei Verkehrsänderungen an Kais „über seine Befugnisse hinaus“ gehandelt, sagen Händler

    Von jeperty


    1. Callme-Sal on

      Local road design is exactly within a local authorities remit. What horseshit are they on about.

    2. Environmental_Net709 on

      The poor car park owners crying again. Fuck them. Leeches who contribute nothing to the city.

    3. FingalForever on

      Flashing back to traders objecting to losing the horse & carriage business a hundred years ago…

    4. champagneface on

      Didn’t they find that bus journeys and foot traffic increased after this change?

    5. If you think this particular interest group is bad, the Limerick Market Traders association is worse, it owns the rights to all markets in Limerick which is why we can’t have any Christmas markets anywhere in the city. The business lobby in the city is also now trying to roll back the 24jr bus lane in the city to make room for more cars.

    6. DCC have so little power it’s wild claim that traffic management isn’t one of the few they do have

    7. TomRuse1997 on

      When I drive into Penny’s on O’Connell Street every Thursday at 9am, I like to park immediately outside and buy a tonne of shit.

      The Government have been stripping that away from me bit by bit

    8. I wonder if they carried out the necessary surveys?

      If they didn’t they could be in bother and could end up having to fork out some compo.

    9. What a terrible headline. The only meaningful words being: “Traders Say”

    10. reillyrulz on

      Personally, I want to hear what Emer Higgins has to say on the matter

    11. Well all I can say is that there was no consultation before those car parks were built, let alone on deciding to allow any and all traffic into the city centre, so it’s about time we started reviewing those decisions.

    12. Proud-Clock8454 on

      This is ridiculous. They were complaining at every survey and then DCC made some last minute changes to appease them and now they’re going to use those last minute changes to say they weren’t given enough time to consider those specific changes which DCC made to appease them. I hope it gets thrown out.

    13. LurkerByNatureGT on

      Is this the car park owners again? 

      They must pay a lot to get their lobbying press releases in every paper every time they kick up too. If they’ve got that much money to burn, the traffic calming clearly isn’t hitting their bottom line. 

    14. Soft-Affect-8327 on

      Tell you what, I did notice the M50 being more busy since this went ahead. Not that I mind, price of progress & all that.

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